
Our Current Offerings

Please click on class titles for more information

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


To Be Determined


May 16-May 18, 2024


5꜈16ę—„ - 18ę—„ - 10:00-17:00


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Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


May 17-May 19, 2024


Friday, 4:00 - 8:00 pm, Saturday - Sunday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Dinner will be served on Friday and snacks will be available Saturday - Sunday.  Please bring your own lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

Embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of plant medicine! Have you ever been curious about the captivating world of essential oils and their transformative powers? Join me in an immersive workshop where you’ll discover how essential oils are made, the secrets of plant essences, unravel the unique properties of over 90 essential oils and explore the most effective application methods.
Dive deep into the connection between essential oils and the chakra system, unlocking their potential to enhance your meditation and elevate your spiritual practice.  Learn the art of anointing and experience firsthand the impact of aromatherapy on your well-being. Discover how essential oils provide a profound connection to the natural world around you and your own healing energies.
Are you ready to awaken your senses, tap into the healing powers of nature, and heighten your journey of self-discovery?  As I guide you through this transformational workshop, you will experience the true art of aromatherapy, where the world of essential oils unfolds before you, revealing its wonders and strengthening your path to wellness.


Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


May 24-May 26, 2024


Our private residence studio in Camp Verde, AZ. Address is provided upon registration. Times: Friday: 1-3:30pm (Orientation), Saturday 9am-6pm, Sunday 9am-6pm


This is a 3-day immersive training course in the art of medicinal aromatherapy. Rachel’s experience with Wisdom of the Earth essential oils goes back 16+ years. She has been a practicing aromatherapist for 10 years and has been an aromatherapy educator for the past 5 years teaching specialty classes on how to use aromatherapy in harmony with the seasons and elements. She also weaves in her training as a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Yoga Instructor and her background in Meditation, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
This class will be a journey into the ancient and magical world of essential oils and their time-tested abilities for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Plants are the original medicine of the earth, and it has never been more relevant than now to learn how to use plants for both healing and preventative medicine. Whatever attracts you to this path, it is sure to be a rich and heart-opening experience! We will breathe in, learn about, and apply 45 foundational essences. Bonus essences and hydrolats will be shared throughout. You will learn various unique therapeutic application methods through hands-on experiential learning. You will learn about quality considerations and the Wisdom of the Earth difference as well as safety protocols and getting clear about many of the myths out there around using essential oils. My intention is to send you home with a strong foundation in the art of aromatherapy, deeply connected to nature and your own true nature, and confident in the therapeutic use of essential oils. (24CE for LMTs through NCBTMB) More details and registration are available on the website below.

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


To Be Determined


June 10-June 12, 2024


5꜈16ę—„ - 18ę—„ - 10:00-17:00


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The main purpose of this class is "to help us remember the wisdom of our hearts". If you intend, by joining this class, you will be able to experience "how plants inspire us to remember the wisdom of the heart" with essences as well as knowledge.
Heart Wisdom is inherent in each of us. The support from the love of plants helps us to remember that we are divine beings and that we are our true nature, our "Heart Wisdom.